What is 'Pro Pickem'?

Here's the game:

Pick the winner in 12 games, assign points to each game from 12 being your most confident, to 1 being the least. If you picked correctly, you will receive those points for that game.

From one of the 12 games selected, choose a "Bonus" team. If that team wins, you will receive double the points. However, that team must be playing a team with a .500 or better record. If not, you cannot select it as a bonus. A bonus game is optional. If your team loses, you will receive a negative number of points selected.

If you pick your 12 pointed games correctly, you will also receive a bonus of 10 points for an even 100.

From the games you did not pick, you should also pick winners for those games, but leave the points at zero. Your picking prowess in those games will be used as a tie breaker. The more games picked in the tiebreakers, the better. 2 for 4 will beat 2 for 2.

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